First Presbyterian Church of Bryan Foundation
First Presbyterian Church of Bryan Foundation was established in the early 1980s when the church received substantial bequests from the Cavitt and Lee families. With careful stewardship and additional gifts, both large and small, Foundation assets have increased to more than $2,000,000. Of even more importance, through the years the Foundation has provided more than $2,500,000 to support the missions and programs of the church.
Contacts for Contributions
If you'd like to make a contribution, you may contact any of the trustees. Any of these individuals will be happy to visit with you confidentially and will enlist the aid of the Texas Presbyterian Foundation when appropriate. In addition to cash gifts, typical methods of donating monies that will further the ministries of First Presbyterian Church in perpetuity include memorial gifts, donations of stock, mutual funds and real estate, listing the Foundation as a beneficiary of life insurance policies, charitable IRAs, unitrusts, life income plans and charitable gift annuities.
Questions and Answers About the First Presbyterian Church of Bryan Foundation
Q. How large is the current invested bequest fund balance of the Foundation?
A. Approximately $3,950,000 In addition, trustees oversee management of three smaller accounts totaling more than $288,000: the total being $4,238,000.
Q. How much income does the church receive from these funds?
A. In 2022 the Foundation has made available $195,380 to the church. $192 ,000 of that goes directly to the Session to be used in the budget; the other $3,380 goes to help support Concerts on Carter Creek. By the end of 2023 the Foundation will have provided $5,245,000 in earnings to the church since the Foundation’s inception.
Q. How is the bequest fund invested?
A. Approximately 75% of the investments are in a balanced fund; the other approximately 25% are invested in individual asset classes.
Q. Who manages the bequest funds?
A. The current manager is The Texas Presbyterian Foundation in Dallas.
Q. What was the source of the bequest funds?
A. The source was predominately two large bequests from the Cavitt and Lee estates, totaling slightly less than $1,000,000 and donated in the early 1980s.
Q. How much income from the bequest funds have been provided to the church since the Foundation was established in 1984?
A. More than $5,245,000 has been provided to the Session to support the ministries, missions, and programs of First Presbyterian Church.
Q. Have there been other large undesignated bequests to the church or direct bequests to the Foundation since the initial gifts from the Cavitt and Lee estates?
A. There haven’t been any gifts of the size of the original bequests. There have, however, been a limited number of bequests in the $50,000 range over the years as well as many much smaller donations