A fellowship group for Youth (Grades 6-12) meets weekly on most Sundays from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for study, fellowship, and fun activities. Special events are scheduled at various times.
Sunday Church School Room 403
The Youth are guided and invited to create their own plan to follow Jesus more closely, using the book Becoming Fully Brewed. Thought-provoking questions encourage engagement, discussion, and group discovery. Through scripture reading, discussion, journaling and reflection, Jesus’ teachings are explored.
The youth go on an annual fall retreat to Mo-Ranch near Hunt or Camp Tejas located near Giddings. In the spring they attend Conclaves sponsored by the Presbytery of New Covenant at Camp Cho-Yeh near Livingston.
Leadership Opportunities
All youth may apply to serve on the Youth Ministry Council of our church along with adults interested in the youth program. This group plans and helps implement all the events of our youth program.
Senior High youth are also invited to serve on the Presbytery Youth Connection Council. Youth must fill out applications for this council in the summer and submit them to the Presbytery of New Covenant office for consideration.
Youth Summer Camps & Conferences
Youth have the opportunity to attend summer conferences at Mo-Ranch with scholarship help from the church. Groups from our church attend Junior High Jubilee, Youth Celebration and Mo-TLC (The Leadership Conference) at Mo-Ranch each summer. Our Mid-Highs attend Junior High Jubilee, our Senior Highs attend Youth Celebration and selected Senior Highs attend Mo-TLC.
The website, d365.org, is co-sponsored by the Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the PC(USA). Unlike devotions that simply offer a Scripture and reading, the devotions on d365.org feature a five-step process. The five steps are:
1. Pause. Take a moment to prepare yourself, with guidance from the website
2. Listen. Hear God’s message in the daily Scripture
3. Think. Ponder the devotional thought and consider how it applies to your life
4. Pray. Say a suggested prayer (or use the one provided to get you started)
5. Go. Apply the message to your life